
Final Inspection

When it comes to the day of your last inspection, we can pick the date, but municipalities will be in charge of at what time it takes place. Remember you need all the documentation ready and the permit we will leave for you. In your final inspection, municipalities will check that all work has followed approved plans which we already checked before.

Get Help Scheduling your Final inspection.

we will be able to assist you in scheduling the final inspection when needed. Let us know when your availability is so we can schedule it in advance!

    Please fill out the following form and one of our Permit Specialists will be in touch with you shortly. Thank you!

    Please provide a brief description of how we may help give you an EZ permitting experience

    What is a final inspection

    An inspection that is completed by an inspector who verifies that all work has been done in accordance with approved plans, permits, and the necessary approvals.

    What can I expect at my final inspection?

    When getting ready for your final inspection, we can pick the date but not the time of the inspection. The municipality will be in charge of setting the time of the final inspection. Remember, you need to have all documentation readily available, including the permit that we will leave for you. In your final inspection, municipalities will check that all work has followed the previously approved plans.

    we will leave for you. In your final inspection, municipalities will check that all work has followed the previously approved plans.


    • We choose the date, but not the time.
    • You’ll be given a timeframe, not an exact time, on the date of your final inspection.
    • There can be delays; in order for everything to go smoothly, remain calm.
    • Inspections can be quick and to the point, maybe lasting only about 10 minutes.

    When should I call EZ Permits for my Final Inspection

    EZ permits will take care of everything you could need to get your project ready for final inspections. Contact us today!

    • Contact us to assist during your final inspection
    • Avoid the stress of rushing through permits last minute and risk fines or penalties

    Certificate of Completion

    We’ll provide you with evidence that your project has been completed so you can rest easy.

    We are here to ensure success. We will do everything within this process-and beyond it-to make sure there are no worries or issues at all with regards to where things stand today or what happens tomorrow because our permit agency has your back!

    About Our Company

    Our Services

    Our Services

    EZ Permits provides efficient permit and inspection services for your next construction project.

    Pre inspections are for building projects that require only a review of the plans to determine which permitting department should handle the project
    All inspections for a project are completed at the end of each stage. If you have already received your permits, we can schedule a final inspection!
    Open Permits are necessary when you don’t need any inspections during the construction of your project.
    All inspections for a project are completed at the end of each stage. If you have already received your permits, we can schedule a final inspection!

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